Ouray Main Street Inn
420 & Fur Friendly Lodging
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Eight guest rooms including suites with kitchens and the two-story Miners' cabin
Ouray Main Street Inn Pet Policies*
We love your creatures! Occasionally, though, we’ve had some unfortunate troubles. So for the peace and comfort of ALL of our guests, you agree to...
Declare any and all pets before checking in to your room.
A limit of 2 pets, and to a pet fee of $25 per pet for the first night, $10 per pet per night thereafter for declared pets ($60 cap per week per pet). $150 per pet for undeclared pets. No fees for Service Animals but they must be declared.
Use sanitized pet sheet(s) provided by Main Street Inn to cover bedspreads, sofas, and futons; OR agree to additional $35 laundering fee to remove pet hair or pet stains from bedspreads and sofa/futon covers.
Text 970.316.1178 if your pets are not yet declared and we’ll bring your pet sheet(s).
Clean up after your pet(s) with pet pick-up bags available outside the front door, and agree to not allow pets to do their business on balconies, decks, or porches.
Not leave pets unattended on the grounds.
Leave the Inn a working cell phone number if leaving a pet unattended in your room, and be prepared to return immediately if your pet is disturbing other guests, and agree to pay up to additional $250 fee and/or vacate without refund for noncompliance at the Inn’s discretion in order that we can provide refunds as needed to disturbed guests.
Report pet-accidents on balcony/deck/porch or inside the room immediately so the Inn can see to the issue before stains set in and/or carpets, bedding, or furniture become ruined.
Pay for any cleaning and/or repair costs associated with stains or damage caused by my pet(s) or my non-use of pet-sheets, and agree that such charges, as determined by Main Street Inn, will be charged to my credit card on file.
*Policies also apply to Service and Emotional Support Animals
Mesha and her peeps

Enzo and one of his peeps

Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola and her peeps

L-R Charlie, Zoey (2 months) , Turbo, Missy, and their peeps

Look! Our sweet ferret friends, Loki & Oliver
Practically Twins

Hoobie & Dasha frolicking on one of our Main Street Inn pet sheets